Writer | Actor | Dramaturg | Consultant
Best Time to Be Alive
A science fiction musical surrounding the dichotomy of head and heart and the reclamation of one's identity, Best Time to Be Alive asks the question: what would you give to have your heart back again? Would you sacrifice the world to save the one you loved?
Written in partnership with Renoir Kobashi
March 2023 Developmental Workshop and Industry Reading with Bedlam
August 2023 Workshop at Sunlight Studios
Follow the adventure here
Credit: Renoir Kobashi
Nicholas Podany, as Silas, sings "Awkward Silence"
Concept Art: "Are you gonna kiss her or what?"
Cast and Creative of March 2023 (L to R): Deanna Kahn, Noah Weisberg, Lexi Lawson, Audrey Belle Adams, Renoir Kobashi, Rhiannon Ling, Alex Cannon, Eric Tucker,
Santa Claire Hirsch, Jelani Remy, Nicholas Podany, Austin Ku, Chris Medlin, Benjamin Stayner, Aissa Guindo, Sarah-Anne Martinez, and Patrick Mark Saunders
Concept Art: "Against the Wind"
Partial Cast of August 2023 (L to R): Nathan Cockroft as Future Silas, Jessica Caldwell as Fictional Anna, and Adam Henley as Jacko
Concept Art: "One Shot in a Million"